Preview - Coding Through Ecology - Bridges To Ct-Stem

Building the Ecosystem 2

We have made the world larger and changed the agents and the world to more closely resemble the ecosystem of Isle Royale. It is still missing quite a bit of realism though. Lets see if we can fix that.

We have added several  useful tools to the model to make it easier to interact with the code.


Instead of changing the wolf and moose population sizes in the code, you can now use the sliders.

There is also now a graph that shows the population numbers from tick to tick.

Setup and Go!

*We will add some primitives here that students can add to their models to make them more realistic*


Please answer the questions below.

Take a look at the population graph as ticks pass. Is the population of moose or wolves changing?


How do you know?

Based on this, what behaviors need to be added to the model that would make it more similar to the Isle Royale ecosystem that we are trying to model.

Describe what is going on in the model.


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.